We all know who I am as a business, and we understand that you probably know the struggles a business owner can have, and Trust us, there are plenty, But this, this is about myself as a person, not as a photographer.
Now, this one is a hard one, its close to home, and it took a very large toll on me, but here it is.
My biggest personal challenge that I had to overcome was my Confidence after suffering a very bad case of PTSD after I was in a serious Jet Ski accident.
I wont go into details of what happened as no one needs to relive this, however I was left with 2 missing tips of my fingers, and it threw my life upside down and I suffered extremely bad PTSD which shot my confidence to pieces.
My recovery was long and daunting and I turned to Photography as my escape, so when I tell you that I put my all into my work and I will always connect with your stories and understanding of WHY photography is so important to you, Trust me when I say I understand you.

But, here I am following my dreams, working hard to make them all achievable and fulfilling your photography dreams which fills my life with the confidence and push I needed to overcome my traumatic experience.