As a Birth and Newborn Photographer I more often than not I get inquiries through, and the responses are either nothing at all or “you’re too expensive,” “you’re out of my budget,” “I can get them cheaper elsewhere,” “How many images are included in the session fee?”, “Why are the digitals so expensive,” “We don’t want any prints,” “Can we get all the unedited images?”. The digitals should be the cheapest as all you do is click a button. lol

I have to say; I had done the same in the past to other professionals in different industries.. rung around to get the cheapest quote for some yard work when I was selling my house. Let’s say I shouldn’t have gone with the most affordable as I had to pay for it all to be redone again! It was the worst job I’d ever seen in my life!
Good isn’t cheap and cheap isn’t good! You want quality you have to pay for it! Photos are priceless, especially when its all you have left after they are gone.

My pricing is probably more expensive than the one down the road that perhaps gives you all the edited images on a USB/or CD for $100 because I for one have invested a lot of money into myself and my business to ensure I provide the best service and experience.

Firstly I pay for insurance, and that includes $20 million public liability insurance.
I am a member of the International Birth Photographers, along with Birth Photographers Australia.

I have invested a lot, so I can have a studio that is purposely designed and setup for Newborns so you can sit back and relax while I take care of your baby. The studio has lots of incredible props sourced from around the world to ensure beautiful, unique images for you. I continually update these to stay ahead of my game and be able to offer my customers something different and unique to them.

I have invested in equipment, including the best camera and lenses to suit my genres, iMacs, MacBook, editing software, and lots of different unique products available for my clients.
I have also invested in lots of training from world-renowned photographers, including the worlds best Newborn Photographer Kelly Brown. I also have practiced all newborn safety to make sure your baby is safe at all times when in my studio. I will never put a baby in a precarious position to get a shot. I will always composite the shot using multiple images instead.

All of that so far and I haven’t even taken a picture.
Once we have completed your session, I will cull your images down to remove any missed focus and pictures that aren’t up to standard and do a basic edit on all of them. Then I customize a viewing session for you to view your images on my big 100″ projector screen. I help you create a unique artwork to display in your home along with unique album designs for your pictures. I even show you your images on your walls true to size, so you know exactly what they will look like in your own home. How amazing is that?

An unconditional 75-year guarantee guarantees all of our products so you’ll never have to worry about replacing them. Its all on us if something happens to your products even if its an accident.
Once you have chosen the images you love, they will be fully edited, fine-tuned, removal of any blemishes, skin tones corrected which all takes plenty of time on every image.
Once all of them are completed, then your order will be sent off to print.

“Why are the digitals more expensive than the prints are? It costs more to buy a cow than it does to buy a bottle of milk.. why? Because if you owned the cow, then you can produce milk, cheese, butter, meat, etc. My digital images are the cow, if you are purchasing a digital copy, then you can reproduce that image as many times as you like and from wherever you want, you can use it to print on canvas, shirts, calendars and much more.
So by purchasing the digital image, then you are buying the rights to reproduce that image lots of times. In saying that though you will not have the result nor quality that I will print for you along with the lifetime unconditional guarantee.

So to answer why I am more expensive than the other photographer down the road that will give them all to you for $100. They will most likely of just brought a base level camera, use cheap props and Chinese made affordable products, are mobile, no experience or training, and do not run a legitimate registered business nor have any insurance. Also may not practice newborn safety. Don’t put your new baby at risk to get it done cheap.

Why invest in professional photos if you are going to go and print them at Kmart or somewhere like that? You invest in an expert for the whole experience, so why not invest in professionally printed images so they look as they should and will stand the test of time? Doesn’t make sense to fail in the printed, which is one of the most critical parts of the experience.
We have lots of different payment options available to help spread out your costs, so what are you waiting for? Payright, Afterpay, Direct Debit, Credit Card, Bank transfer, and Cash, to name a few.
I sure wish I have gone with the more expensive trade for my yard work :p
Thanks for listening. Hope you understand the difference now.
Tags: Digitals, Digitals verses Prints, Pricing, Why the price, Printed products, Printed images, Heirlooms, Guaranteed for life, Photography pricing,