Now I’m sure you have all heard by now about the rules and regulations that have been put forward for Shopping Centre Santa photos.
If you haven’t, ill recap here for you
- Masks may be required
- Vaccine checks
- Social Distancing is required – no sitting on Santa’s knee
- Online Booking required
- Landscape photos
At Our Real Santa Experience we practice Covid safe measures throughout all of our sessions (whilst still ensuring you receive those gorgeous Santa photo), this is to ensure your safety, and ours. However we do have different guidelines we can follow being a private establishment, with enough space to ensure social distancing pre photos.
What do we do to keep everyone safe?
- Check in is mandatory upon entering
- Masks are to be worn without our Studio foyer
- Our staff are vaccinated
- Sanitiser stations are set up and we encourage you use these
- Sanitising of sets, props and staff will occur between sessions
- We do ask if you have any covid symptoms, are awaiting a negative test result, or have been to any hot spots that you contact us for rescheduling
- Santa and Mrs Claus do have clear masks available if you wish them to be masked throughout photos. As per guidelines, you are allowed to remove masks for photos
- All sessions are private and have allocated private bookings so there will be no lines or people to worry about your rights to social distancing being voided.

We also wish to recap that our November and December sessions are already quite full, and what is left will book out so fast!
We has so many people last year contact us in disappointment as they missed out. Our dates at this stage are all we can fit in this year – please understand that we run a number of businesses which all require attention throughout the busy period, not to mention that we have hundreds of Santa sessions to complete also, so the dates available now, are what we can work, at this stage. We may at a later stage open up extra days but not unless what we have is completely full.
Book in using the button below