Brisbane Birth Photographer Angie Petersen captures the surprise gender birth at Murwillimbah hospital.
Early morning on the 26th May 2019 I got the call to say Rachel’s waters had broken and very shortly after that contractions started so she said to head on down. As this birth was at murwillimbah we wanted to make sure I made it so I left straight away.
But this little surprise gender baby didn’t want to wait for anyone at all. Rachel and Rob left home which is 3 mins from the hospital to head in. Meanwhile contractions had only started about an hour before this. They got to the emergency entrance and contractions were getting very close together and strong. They walked in and Rachel said she needed the toilet. Proceeded to the toilet and next thing she’s yelling out I have the head out. The emergency crew said “what did she say?” Lol. They were shocked she was delivering that fast.

Meanwhile I was still making me way there and wasn’t far away at all.I was only 10kms away and Bub was born only minutes before I got there at 2.42am! Gutted is an understatement for me and for Rachael as we were so excited about capturing this non medicalised birth for her. It’s a girl!!! Yay!
Weighing 3.84kgs

I got there and they were still in emergency waiting for me and placenta still not delivered. So off we head to the birth suite to continue the birth story. Not long after the sun started to rise and wow what a beautiful sunrise it sure was!

Rob stood at the window holding Emilia taking in the sunrise over the cane fields! Wow what a view it was from the birth suite room. Rob has grown up as a cane farmer so these images have a lot of meaning to them for Rachael which I found out afterwards. That made me so happy to hear that, as I had no idea at the time, but I was there to capture the story as it unfolded, so these were part of that story!

About an hour after the sunrise Rachael was good to go home so we all headed back to the house so I could finish the story of the older kids meeting their surprise gender sibling for the first time. Very excited they were indeed and Evelyn guessed the baby was a girl! Emmett wasn’t so sure of this new baby he now has to share his time with lol but started to come around in the end.

After I got those photos done I headed home for some well earned sleep so I could go back for the fresh 48 photos on the 28th May 2019. See last post for those images.

Here is some of the story I captured in images. I videoed a lot of it all so there will be a beautiful movie once I have sorted that out. Enjoy!
Congratulations to you all x thank you for inviting me into your birthing space. It’s a real honour to be part of your story.

Tags: Murwillimbah Hospital Birth, Birth, Brisbane Birth Photography, Newborn, Birth Photographer, Placenta Photos, Placenta Photography, Baby Girl, Surprise Gender Birth,