We have been loving our gorgeous Cake Smash sessions in studio lately. We seem to be celebrating so many cheeky little ones birthdays, and we love it!
We celebrated Miss Aubrey’s first birthday in studio not long ago. We started off with some stunning images of her in one of our Dollcake Dresses – before things got a little messy!

Now, we get into the fun side of things…. and the messy, of course!

So we need to address the inevitable in most cases… Please do not be concerned if your little one cries at a cake smash. We know most parents want the stunning prim and proper images of their children and stress out if they start crying. We beg you, do not stress about this. Honestly, even if your little one does cry, embrace it, (Think of their 18th Birthday haha) We can assure you that tear stricken face and tantrums make the most adorable images and 9 times out 0f 10, they become the parents favourite images as they love the humour behind them!

How could you not love the crying photos?

We do find they generally come good after the part they dont like – and let’s face it, we raise our children not to play with food, then we put a cake in front of them and ask them to smash it… They surely must be thinking ‘Crap! it’s a trap! Don’t touch the cake, don’t touch the cake’ haha. But thats okay, we encourage it for one day and one day only purely as the photos are gorgeous haha.
Once the messy time is over, its BATH TIME!!
Little Aubrey must preferred bath time over making a mess with the cake

These photos are the perfect way to celebrate your babies first birthday and will create a stunning moment in time to look back upon.
Always capture the moment, document your story and freeze your important moments in time!