
Brisbane Birth photography

Media News and International Awards

I wanted to share a few things with you all from September last year about the Australian Professional Photography Awards and some media news I was apart of once I arrived home from Melbourne.  In September I was lucky to be able to go and stay in Melbourne for 5 days to attend the countrys biggest Professional Photography Awards that are held each year. These events are open to enter from Australia and International world famous photographers alike. So when entering these awards it is extremely nerve wracking to say the least when you will be judged up against all

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Brisbane Birth Photographer – Bronwyn’s Birth Story – Redlands Hospital

To have the honour to be in the private birthing space of a labouring mother to be is just incredible! To be the one that is there to capture every moment throughout the labour through to earthside is just so adrenaline pumping for myself to be apart of. To see a mum to be so incredibly strong and driven to birth her baby naturally is so rewarding. This mum of 4 had an extremely long labour of 39+ hours for her 4th bub Tanveer. Bronwyn was so exhausted by the time it came to push and cannot remember what actually

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Brisbane Newborn Photographer – Baby Abigail

I wanted to share an amazing session with you of Baby Abigail and her family. She was such a little treasure to capture with all her different cute facial expressions. Such a cutie pie. Wonderful family aswell which was lovely. To start with little Abigail had different thoughts about what she wanted to do, and that involved not going to sleep. We had different ideas for her so a bottle went into her mouth which left her milk drunk and off to lala land. Well after that she never woke up at all through the whole session. What a sweetheart

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Brisbane Birth Photographer – Isla’s Birth Story

Brisbane Birth Photographer captures new life! "Time will never stand still and those moments that bring such joy become memories in an instant. To capture such a moment and record it forever is truly monumental" This is how I feel about Birth Photography, Maternity and Newborn Sessions. At the beggining of this year I set myself a goal that I wanted to follow a few pregnancies right through to the end. I wanted to capture the pregnancy the whole way through, capture the birth then followed by the newborn session in the first 10days of the newborns life. I was delighted

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Brisbane Birth Photographer – Khovi’s Birth Story

Brisbane Birth Photographer – Khovi's Birth Story "Sometimes you will never know the value a moment until its a faded memory" I had the absolute pleasure of capturing the birth of Khovi Andrew on the 14th June 2013. Wow this little man was in a really hurry to enter this world! I almost missed the birth! I would've been so disappointed if I did. I got the phonecall just after Crystal and Max got to the hospital and that was at 10.20pm and I was ready to go and I got there at 10.55pm just intime for the birth at

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The Ultimate Baby Checklist

Download my FREE Baby Checklist and get super organised for the arrival of your new bundle of joy!