Brisbane Birth Photographer

New Baby Checklist. Brisbane maternity photographer

Becoming a new mum is a lot to take in, trust us, we know! So we have tried to simplify things for you with our simple list of must haves! Obviously each item is up to your own discretion and we know how over powering taking on everyone’s advice can be so take a look and go from there 🙂 Feeding 4 – 6oz Bottles 6 – 8oz Bottles Nipple Shields Burp Cloths Bibs Dummy High Chair Bottle brush Bottle Steriliser Sleeping Bassinet Cot Sheets Swaddle Blankets Baby Sleeping bag Bathing Baby Bath Face washers Baby Towels Baby soothing wash

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Gender Prediction Fun. Brisbane Maternity Photographer

We’ve all heard a million wives tales about ‘Gender prediction’ but how many did you find true? It’s a Boy if… Your skin is better then ever Your babies heartbeat is lower then 140 beats per minute You carry lower in your belly You’re clumsier You crave savoury food over sweeter foods Your age added to the month of contraception is an odd number  You dont experience morning sickness Your more so in a good, calm mood The ring test swings in back and forwards It’s a Girl if… Your skin is not as clear as usual Your babies heartbeat

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What are you paying for? Brisbane Newborn Photography

As a Birth and Newborn Photographer I more often than not I get inquiries through, and the responses are either nothing at all or “you’re too expensive,” “you’re out of my budget,” “I can get them cheaper elsewhere,” “How many images are included in the session fee?”, “Why are the digitals so expensive,” “We don’t want any prints,” “Can we get all the unedited images?”. The digitals should be the cheapest as all you do is click a button. lol I have to say; I had done the same in the past to other professionals in different industries.. rung around

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5 things to consider when choosing a birth photographer!

Having a baby is such a personal thing. And the idea of sharing that moment with a relative stranger can be quite overwhelming. But you want to capture this magical moment to treasure forever! Right!? That’s why choosing the right birth photographer is so important. Finding someone who can be a part of your special moment, and almost feel like they’re part of the family. THE most important part about finding your birth photographer, is finding someone that you mesh with… that makes you feel comfortable and at ease. Because the birthing process can be quite full on, having the

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5 things to know when choosing a Newborn Photographer – Brisbane Newborn Photography

5 things to know when choosing a Newborn Photographer – Brisbane Newborn Photography   When it comes to photography we know that there is a lot more behind an image than what we see with a finished project. This is more obviously known within the fashion industry with the hot topic of model photoshopping however you can also be sure there is a lot behind that cute pic you've just Pinterested. Rather than the desire to slim a waistline or remove a pimple, the action behind all those poses you're imagining your little angel in is all about safety. That

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The Ultimate Baby Checklist

Download my FREE Baby Checklist and get super organised for the arrival of your new bundle of joy!