
Rome’s Newborn Session – Desire to Inspire Photography

Gorgeous little newborn sessions are beyond favourable here in our studio. And this is why. In our Studio we have an abundance of props, set ups, displays, blankets, beanies, outfits and so much more, including outfits for big sisters and mummies also. We create our newborn sessions with your colour and style preference in mind so always be sure to fill out our questionnaire so we can create the perfect combinations just for you. Just like we done for Master Rome! The gorgeous neutral, rustic colours  with the gorgeous pop of Burnt Orange worked amazing! All of our Newborn sessions

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Cassie – Maternity – Desire to Inspire Photography

Oh the stunning Cassie, she joined us recently for her maternity and newborn session. We LOVE LOVE LOVE when our clients book both maternity and newborn sessions and this is why, we get to capture your gorgeous baby belly and then meet the little one you created. Pregnancy isn’t easy, labour isn’t easy, being a mum isn’t easy, BUT it is so damn magical to think that your body for 9 months created and grew a new life. Its that magic that deserves to be photographed, even more so to celebrate the most incredible achievement. Cassie and her beautiful family

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210529 Imogen Oconnor St Lucia Uni 0677
Brisbane Birth Photography

To the working mums – Desire to Inspire Photography

Mum guilt, its a real thing, and we get it! Both of us, Angie and Bec, we ourselves are mums. We both live very busy lives with work, uni and businesses. It’s a never ending cycle of things on the ‘to do list’ and it seems we sometimes lose sight of who we are as our own person, and as a mum! Although you may cop criticism for ‘working to hard’ ‘putting work before children’ ‘neglecting time with your children’ and so on and so on. My opinion is this… You are doing your absolute best! You are working to

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Sessions so far this year!

We are officially half way through the year, WOW! How fast has that gone? We are currently sitting at home working amidst another Covid Lockdown. A promising start to the second half of the year isn’t it? Although Australia is again inundated with Covid cases we thought we would reflect on the past 6 months of fantastic sessions we have been able to achieve around the Covid craze. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the past 6 months of sessions here at Desire to Inspire Photography. The new studio has been an absolute hit and we are loving the extensive

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Aubrey’s Cake Smash – Desire to Inspire Photography

We have been loving our gorgeous Cake Smash sessions in studio lately. We seem to be celebrating so many cheeky little ones birthdays, and we love it! We celebrated Miss Aubrey’s first birthday in studio not long ago. We started off with some stunning images of her in one of our Dollcake Dresses – before things got a little messy! Now, we get into the fun side of things…. and the messy, of course! So we need to address the inevitable in most cases… Please do not be concerned if your little one cries at a cake smash. We know

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The Ultimate Baby Checklist

Download my FREE Baby Checklist and get super organised for the arrival of your new bundle of joy!