
Brisbane Milestone Baby Photographer – Maeve’s 6mth session

Brisbane Baby Milestones Photographer – Maeve's 6month session Brisbane's Baby Milestones Photographer Angie Petersen has been capturing the journey of Maeve since her newborn session. So we had Maeve back in the studio for her 6month session and boy oh boy hasnt she changed since her newborn photos were done. I love being able to catch up with my clients over their lives to see how they have changed in that time. Its so amazing to watch. All the babies I do photos of become very special to me and I love that my clients keep coming back to me

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Brisbane Newborn Photographer – Jackson

Brisbane Newborn Photographer – Jackson's Newborn Session Brisbane's Multi Award Winning Newborn Photographer Angie Petersen captures the rest of the journey from Cindy's Maternity Session posted earlier on. Jackson is earthside and was booked in for his newborn photo session at 8 days old. He was such a little trooper and slept well minus one setup he did not want to miss a thing and stayed awake for but we managed some stunning awake shots anyway. OMG check out his hair! He had so much hair for a little man! It was so damn cute though! We got lots of

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Maternity Photographer Brisbane Cindy-1-6

Brisbane Maternity Photographer – Cindy

Brisbane Maternity Photographer – Cindy's Maternity Session Brisbane's Maternity Photographer Angie Petersen captures some absolutely stunning pregnancy photos of Cindy. Wow! How can someone look so incredible being pregnant! Cindy was absolutely glowing beautiful when she came into the studio to have her photos done. Perfect hair and makeup done makes such a difference to the end result to photos. It didnt matter what pose we did she nailed it. Certainly made my job so much fun! To also have someone that was open to anything I wanted to try was so exciting and when they turned out like this

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Brisbane Milestones Baby Photography – Braxton

Brisbane Baby Milestone Photography – Braxton's 4month session Brisbane's Baby Milestone photographer Angie Petersen was asked to capture some gorgeous images of little Braxton. OMG how adorable is he? He was such a little cutie pie and so full of smiles. He was such a dream to photograph thats for sure. Such a happy baby and was great at what ever we tried with him. 4mths is such a cute age to get photos as they have such a beautiful personality that shines through in all their photos. They also don't crawl away so not having to chase them around

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Newborn Photographer Brisbane Kaylee-

Brisbane Newborn Photography – Kaylee

Brisbane Newborn Photography – Kaylee's Newborn Session Brisbane's Newborn Photographer Angie Petersen captures beautiful images of Kaylee and her big sister. Zoey booked Angie for her Maternity and Newborn sessions and was very keen to do a before and after shot so we did. It turned out absolutely beautiful. Just as it was visioned to. Poor little Kaylee was born with a severe club foot so we did the session the day before she was going to get put into a cast to straighten it out and then she would be in boots for months until it was corrected. The

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