What to wear to your session – Brisbane Family Photographer

So you’ve booked in a session and now you’re wondering what in the world do you wear???

As a photographer we have seen it all, so we can defiantly guide you in the right direction. 

My main piece of advice is, DONT CLASH!!! Please Please Please avoid bold loud prints that clash, think of your colour coordination’s and  make sure they work together. 

Now when we say Coordinate, we do not mean all turn up in jeans and a white shirt – Seriously – PLEASE AVOID THIS!!!! you can match your outfits with complimenting colours that will work perfectly!!! 

Please avoid shirts with bold logos, images and prints on them. This will take away from the photos not to mention it will take away from the timelessness of your images.  

We also ask, if you daughter is wearing a skirt or a dress, please make sure they have bike shorts underneath them! 

Family Photographer Brisbane

When considering colours we suggest the following 

  • Soft or natural tones, such as pastels, neutrals or muted tones will always photograph well.
  • Earthy tones are fantastic and look great in camera and on the walls.  This includes rich colours such as burgundy, burgundy, deep greens, shades of blue and mustard. Pops of colour can also work well to create a captivating image.
  • Varied textures in your choice of clothing are great ( think denim, wool, linen, corduroy, cotton) and then layering them is fantastic ( such as scarves, beanies and vests if weather allows)
Family Photographer Brisbane

Now, keeping all this in mind PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE remember, comfort is key. If you are wearing something that makes you uncomfortable, it will show in your photos! not only that but you will need to be able to move around throughout your shoot so please make sure you can move! 

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