Our Real Santa Experience has expanded, we now have a studio in Browns Plains as well as Rocklea!
This mean all new dates, new availability, and even more chances for you to secure your session!
Now, although some dates for Rocklea are already booked out there are still availabilities for you to secure spot – but don’t wait to long as availabilities are flying out the door!
27th November Santa Experience – Rocklea BOOKED OUT
28th November Santa Visit – Rocklea 5 SESSIONS LEFT
1st December Santa Photo – Rocklea 12 SESSIONS LEFT
4th December Santa Experience – Rocklea 2 SESSIONS LEFT
5th December Santa Visit – Rocklea 8 SESSIONS LEFT
11th December Santa Experience – Rocklea BOOKED OUT
12th December Santa Visit and Santa Experience – Rocklea 3 SESSIONS FOR SANTA VISIT 9 SANTA EXPERIENCE
13th December Santa Visit and Santa Experience – Browns Plains 4 SANTA EXPERIENCE 5 SANTA VISIT SESSIONS LEFT
18th December Santa Visit and Santa Experience – Browns Plains 20 SESSIONS LEFT
19th December Santa Visit and Santa Experience – Rocklea BRAND NEW DAY OPEN
21st December Santa Visit and Santa Experience – Rocklea BRAND NEW DAY OPEN
23rd December Santa Visit and Santa Experience – Browns Plains BRAND NEW DAY OPEN