We’ve all heard a million wives tales about ‘Gender prediction’ but how many did you find true?
It’s a Boy if…
- Your skin is better then ever
- Your babies heartbeat is lower then 140 beats per minute
- You carry lower in your belly
- You’re clumsier
- You crave savoury food over sweeter foods
- Your age added to the month of contraception is an odd number
- You dont experience morning sickness
- Your more so in a good, calm mood
- The ring test swings in back and forwards
It’s a Girl if…
- Your skin is not as clear as usual
- Your babies heartbeat is higher then 140 beats per minute
- You carry higher in your belly
- You’re graceful
- You crave sweet food
- You sleep on your right side
- Your face is rounder then normal
- You experience morning sickness
- You are moodier then usual
- The ring test swings in a circle