Brisbane Birth Photographer

Birth Photography Brisbane  (75 of 80)

Brisbane Birth Photographer – Samia’s Birth Story

Brisbane Birth Photographer – Samia's Birth Story Brisbane Birth Photographer Angie Petersen captures Samia's birth story of baby Jaxson on the 21st February 2016 at Mater Mothers Hospital. It was a stressful time leading up to the birth as complications had arisen in a recent ultrasound regarding bubs stomach. It came to the day and I got the call at 925am to say Samia was 5cm so I jumped in the car within 5mins and raced off to the Mater Mothers. I got only 10 mins down the road to get an update that Samia was ready to push now, OMG

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Brisbane Birth Photography Sally-9521

Brisbane Birth Photography – Imogen’s C-Section Birth Sunnybank Private

Brisbane Birth Photography – Imogen's C-Section Birth Sunnybank Private Brisbane's Multi Award Winning Birth Photographer Angie Petersen captures a beautiful C-Section birth on the 7th March 2016 of baby Imogen. To have your birth captured witnessing the first breath of your child is absolutely priceless. This is the only time you will ever witness that childs first breath so its totally worth capturing on camera so you can look back on those images for many years to come. You can then pass those images onto your new baby when they are older as an heirloom of their life journey into

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Brisbane Newborn Photography – Emma

Brisbane Newborn Photographer – Emma's Newborn Session Newborn Photographer in Brisbane, Angie Petersen spends time capturing some stunning images of little baby Emma that you recently saw her brith story on the blog. She was such a little angel and oh so squishy and cute too! Emma was such a good little poser for me too allowing me to put her fingers into position etc. Gotta love it when they let you do that without flinching. How adorable is she? Soooo cute! Don't you just love her squishy little baby rolls! Baby Emma was a very much wanted baby girl after

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Brisbane Milestone Baby Photographer – Maeve’s 6mth session

Brisbane Baby Milestones Photographer – Maeve's 6month session Brisbane's Baby Milestones Photographer Angie Petersen has been capturing the journey of Maeve since her newborn session. So we had Maeve back in the studio for her 6month session and boy oh boy hasnt she changed since her newborn photos were done. I love being able to catch up with my clients over their lives to see how they have changed in that time. Its so amazing to watch. All the babies I do photos of become very special to me and I love that my clients keep coming back to me

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Baby Milestones

Brisbane Birth Photographer – The journey of Nate’s Open Heart surgery

The Journey of Nate's Open Heart Surgery Brisbane's Birth Photographer Angie Petersen captured the birth of baby Nate on the 7th March 2016. A couple of weeks prior to his birth an ultrasound showed some defects to Nate's heart which was unknown to the extent of these issues until he was born. Nate has a very rare condition that the doctors have never seen all in one baby. He had 3 heart defects all together which would normally be in 3 different babies. When Nate was only hours old he was transferred to the Lady Cilento Hospital to undergo a

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