Brisbane Newborn Photography – Emma

Brisbane Newborn Photographer – Emma's Newborn Session

Newborn Photographer in Brisbane, Angie Petersen spends time capturing some stunning images of little baby Emma that you recently saw her brith story on the blog. She was such a little angel and oh so squishy and cute too! Emma was such a good little poser for me too allowing me to put her fingers into position etc. Gotta love it when they let you do that without flinching. How adorable is she? Soooo cute! Don't you just love her squishy little baby rolls! Baby Emma was a very much wanted baby girl after many attempts at falling pregnant so she is a little miracle in herself 🙂 Check out her photos below to see how gorgeous they really are!

Thanks so much to Belinda and James for allowing me to be part of this journey from birth to newborn of your precious little angel Emma 🙂

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