Brisbane Birth Photographer – Isla’s Birth Story

Brisbane Birth Photographer captures new life!

"Time will never stand still and those moments that bring such joy become memories in an instant. To capture such a moment and record it forever is truly monumental" This is how I feel about Birth Photography, Maternity and Newborn Sessions.

At the beggining of this year I set myself a goal that I wanted to follow a few pregnancies right through to the end. I wanted to capture the pregnancy the whole way through, capture the birth then followed by the newborn session in the first 10days of the newborns life. I was delighted to have a lot of response for this as it was my dream to capture such an exciting story for my clients. This was something I really regret not having done myself when I had my two daughters so I wanted to do it for someone else.

I have to say that this has been one of the most thrilling things I have ever done in my photography career and cant wait for the next few I have booked in. I am so thankful for Amy & Jerry for allowing me to be in the room for something that is usually an intimate moment for a couple. Jerry wasn't too keen on me being there at first due to it being so personal but once he saw the images that I captured for them to treasure forever that feeling was gone forever. These are memories that will remain with the family for ever and ever. Being able to capture such emotions just makes my heart skip a beat, knowing how important it was for Amy to have me there after having a horrific first birth last time and not being able to capture the moment. 

I was very lucky to be able to be there for the birth of Isla as Amy was booked in for a ceasar on the 8th July where I wasnt allowed in due to numbers. Amy had a fall and dislocated her kneecap and tore the cartiledge and tendons in her knee and was struggling to keep the pain under control while being pregnant. So the only option was to induce Isla early to prevent anymore falls or damage to be done which would also allow some more pain killers once she had delivered. The thought of having a ceasar recovery along with a really sore leg along with a newborn and a 2 year old wasnt really looking like a great idea so Natural delivery it was. Amy and myself was so excited with this decision due to me then being able to capture the birth which she had always wanted. YAY! The birth went smoothly with no complications which was such a relief for everyone. Baby Isla was born at 8.08pm on the 20th June 2013 weighing in at 6pd 6ounces and a whopping 51cm 4 weeks early. She is absolutely gorgeous! I will always have a sweet spot for all the babies I capture their birth, its only natural I think. 🙂

The only disappointing part is that as Amy got readmitted back into hospital with the pain of her leg we were meant to do her 36 weeks maternity session to finalise her timeline 🙁 So the night before Amy got induced I raced up to the hospital to take a couple of pics of her to complete her timeline but unfortunately couldnt do the sunset session on their property as we had planned. All good because we ended up with a nice healthy baby girl instead 🙂

When Isla was 10days old we got to do her Newborn session in the studio. She was a little trooper. She was pretty jaundiced on the day but is getting a lot better day by day which is fantastic news. The photos we captured of her were amazing! Amy & Jerry really love them and can't wait to have them in their home to display for everyone to see. 

I have added some of the whole experience for you to see. I hope you like them. 

If you would like to book in yours please contact us via the form below the images 🙂 Memories that will last forever!

Here is a video of Amy's Birth Story


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