Brisbane Birth Photographer Angie Petersen heads to Murwillimbah to capture the beautiful story of Emilia Cheree Sanderson! Emilia was born at 2.42am on the 26th May 2019 weighing 3.84kgs at Murwillimbah Hospital.
Rachael and Rob booked us to capture the birth along with some fresh 48 photos with their other two children Emmett (2) and Evelyn (3) at their home. These sessions are nice and relaxed and can be done in the hospital or at home depending where they are. Rachael was a supermum who was out of hospital within 6hrs of delivering this little surprise gender baby girl Emilia.
Emilia is certainly loved by her older siblings thats for sure. Evelyn guessed she was a girl and mum thought she was having a boy.
We decided to also do a gorgeous Milk bath with Rachael and Emilia as it was going to be her first bath since born on Sunday 26th May, only 1 day before her due date. The day we did these photos was actually Emmetts 2nd birthday too so they are very close in birthdays.
We also decided to head down the back paddock to get some outdoor family photos too. Boy what a mission to get two kids to listen and be in the photos lol. How things change when a new baby comes into the family hey?
You will see some really special photos with a photo of Rachaels mum who sadly passed away 2 weeks prior to Emilia being conceived. So the image in the photos with the kids and Rachael also contains their nanny’s ashes. It was important to capture these memories for the family. The kids were very excited to show Emilia the photo of their nanny Cheree it was beautiful.
So anyway I thought I would share some snippets from this beautiful Fresh 48 Session in Murwilimbah for you all to see. In due time I will have a full movie from the birth and fresh 48 sessions for you to see. Cant wait!
Thank you Rachael and Rob for allowing me this opportunity to be there for you all at this special time.
Angie xx